Likes to collect football stickers. Forced to collect drugs.

Young boy in school uniform standing in a hallway.

Every year, thousands of teenagers are exploited by criminals.

Groomed and coerced by criminal groups, they are forced to skip school, keep secrets from their loved ones, and carry drugs far from their homes. Trapped and afraid, they desperately need our help. But too often, teenagers who have been exploited are treated as criminals. At a time when they most need protection, they’re charged and even imprisoned. These children are not criminals. They’re victims.

But there’s hope…

The Children’s Society helps young people break free from criminal groups. We let them know that they’re not alone and ensure they get the specialist support they need to build a brighter, safer future. 

We work to prevent exploitation too. Working with organisations like the police, local authorities, and businesses, encouraging them to learn to spot the warning signs of exploitation and act before it’s too late. 

"When I left the first session with my project worker, I felt okay, and I thought yes, I’d like to go to my next session, and it got better each time." - Summer

Teenagers are children too, and a future of hope and happiness belongs to every one of them. 

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Charity Registration No. 221124

Registered with Fundraising Regulator