Every year, thousands of teenagers are sexually abused and exploited.
As many as 1 in 10 children are sexually abused before the age of 16 – the true figures could be even higher. And when they’re experiencing sexual abuse or exploitation, it can seem like there is no escape. They're forced to endure traumas and are isolated by fear. Often, they’re made to feel guilty and ashamed, thinking that they’re to blame or that no one will believe them if they speak up. They suffer in silence, only receiving help at crisis point.
But there’s hope…
Our services provide a safe space for young people who have been abused, giving them one-to-one support to begin to process what has happened. We help them to understand that they’re not alone. We work with the police and local authorities, too, to make sure that they get vital practical support and are kept safe.
"I think life would be a lot more dangerous for children if there weren’t people out there like The Children’s Society." - Rosie